Co-founded in 1703 by Father de Montfort and Marie-Louise of Jesus in Poitiers, the order of the Daughters of Wisdom received permission to set up its Mother House in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre in 1720.
It was from this village, where Montfort had died four years earlier on 28 April 1716, that the Daughters of Wisdom, and subsequently the entire Montfortian family, would develop and promote the work of their Founder.
Initially occupying the Logis Vion (later known as the Long House), the Daughters of Wisdom soon needed more room. In 1723, they agreed with the Montfortian Missionaries to exchange properties.
This was how the missionaries came to be based in the Long House, whilst the Daughters of Wisdom moved into the Chêne Vert building.
Since then, despite difficult beginnings, crises now passed and persecutions endured, the Daughters of Wisdom have kept faith with Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.
Although the Chêne Vert building now houses the place of remembrance for the Daughters, the Mother House has become a place of training, discussion, spiritual healing and friendship open to all Daughters of Wisdom, every member of the Monfortian family and all those interested in its work.
Daughters of Wisdom from all over the world come here to find out more about their history. Elderly and infirm Sisters may also recover in the retirement home or live here permanently.
After nearly 300 years, the Mother House has become a symbolic centre that is equally essential for the collective memory of the order and as an embodiment of its loyalty to its Founders and the town of Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.